Interactive Storytelling


There are three projects that I have done in the scope of Interactive Storytelling, completed during my exchange period at National University of Singapore. The first two were created with the software HypeDyn and the last one was done using the online tool Bitsy.

My Exploration Key Concepts

  1. HypeDyn Software
  2. Bitsy Online Tool
  3. Storytelling
  4. Concepts: Narrative, Interactivity, Play, Games
  5. Murray's Agency and Choice, and Agency and Exploration
  6. Revisiting, Rewinding and micro-readings
  7. Tanenbaum's Commitment to Meaning
  8. Character Development: Main Character vs Player
  9. Reader as Storyteller
first project
Figure 1: This shows the visual programming aspect of the first story created with HypeDyn.

Three Projects

Choice, Variation and Replayability: Agency Across Multiple Replays

Reflection Report PDF

Online Version of Story HTML

second project
Figure 2: This shows the visual programming aspect of the second story created with HypeDyn.

Character and Emotional Agency

Reflection Report PDF

Online Version of Story HTML

third project
Figure 3: This is the main screen of the interactive story created by Bitsy.

Exploration and Spatial Stories: Agency as Exploration

Reflection Report PDF

Online Version of Story HTML